Ahhh those early posts have really made me laugh - thank you :)) To add my ten pennies worth: I'm a female who turned 40 two years ago. It did make me stop and think and to seriously assess my life. I didn't notice 30 at all and partied my way through my 30s, but 40 was different. It wasn't about my age or how I looked - I've always believed that was fairly irrelevant, it's the way you think that keeps you young - it was my 'achievements' I was assessing: was my life the way I thought it would be, especially with regards income, status, respect, influence, prospects and so on; had my life been full of adventure; had it been well-lived so far; had I taken opportunities, missed others... I did a LOT of thinking and a lot of looking back (never a good thing). So yeah, I would say, it is a wake up call - but don't wallow or dwell on what's done, rather use it to direct the next 10 years; do all the things you really want to do and get on with them NOW, dont wait. Life's not over, but remember how quickly 40 years can go... :o) As an aside: my 91-year-old aunty died recently, and at her funeral it took about 5 minutes to sum up her entire life. I don't want that to be me, I'm with Kipling, I want to "...fill the unforgiving minute/With sixty seconds' worth of distance run" :) You might also be interested in this (I'm going): http://www.theschooloflife.com/Sermons/Charles-Leadbeater-on-Perspective