I am a working mum of 2 - who are now 8 and 6. I've worked 4 days a week since number one and now do 4 days plus 5th from home during term time. I work in HR for a big professional services co, so have similar chats with many facing these issues. I always say, it's tough and don't make any long term decisions till you've been back at least 3 months; you feel guilty ,conflicted, tired etc but (and here I so agree with midivydales post), it is actually nice to be at work sometimes, having adult conversations, being listened to, not feeling like a drudge - the list goes on! I met a wise lady once at a work function, where for some reason I was apologetically describing myself as a working mum, and she said - 'you're setting a wonderful example to your daughters and you are obviously very good at your job, so there is nothing to apologise for or feel guilty about'! It suddenly made a huge difference to how I felt about things.