Hello all, I'm a social researcher and documentary photographer interested in London women pursuing home birth - I'm also a newly married woman who is considering home birth for herself when we try for children over the next couple of years. I didn't know much about home birth before I came to London, and over the last year or so I've been reading up a lot on successful birth stories, pros and cons of home versus medical birth, and women's decision paths in putting together birth plans and planning for labor. As some of you know, although there are a lot of good resources out there, it can be a bit of a maze finding good information and getting a sense of your options. It seems to me that a lot of us are out there doing the same googling and research, but there are few collected compilations of birth stories to help educate, scare the pants off you, inspire you, etc. I'm now at the beginning stages of putting together a book of home birth stories to be used as a resource for women considering this option, focusing primarily on women from London - and I'd love to include some East Dulwich members. Anyone who is CONSIDERING, PLANNING, or HAS HAD A HOME BIRTH: willing to meet up for a cup of coffee and talk for a bit about your experience? Ideally I'd love to meet a few people who are willing to be photographed as well. If there's anyone up for meeting up at a few different times during your pregnancy - to get a sense of how your expectations, anxieties, hopes and dreams change as you go through the process - I'd be very happy to meet more than once. I hope that the photos and thoughts that come out of those meetings might provide a great record of your pregnancy/birth experience! If you might be interested in meeting, call or PM any time: 079 5603 2847 Cate