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  1. This Ivy House one looks just the job, thanks so much.
  2. Is there a textile /knotting/ embroidery lacemaking/ knitting group that meets locally? I can’t find one online - anyone know?
  3. What did it hit? The church?
  4. Hello, I have 5 sleeping bags I wish to donate do you have a contact no/drop off point you can give me?
  5. Found some keys on Woodwarde Road, give me a call on 07815287262 and tell me what they look like if you think they are yours.
  6. Thanks everyone for your replies. It appears no-one at our surgery will take blood (Burbage Road) but I am encouraged by the existence of PALS which Id never heard of before, something patient focussed at the hospital is a relief. Ill get on to them straight away. Thank you forum. x
  7. Teen had a blood test a few weeks ago that showed up some anomalies so we have been told to get her tested again to see if there has been any change in these anomalies before an action is taken. There is no walk in service for bloods for kids, we have to make an apt at Kings and the next available is 4th April. This seems an outrageously long time to me, especially as she is feeling unwell (which is why we took her to the docs 3 weeks ago in the first place) Just cant get any sense out of the NHS about it..am I being bonkers?
  8. I wonder if group therapy is the right thing for you right now. You've such a lot to cope with and being exposed to other people who are similarly troubled may not be helpful. I think you could do with one to one counselling to help you get your thoughts in order, and formulate a coping mechanism. I found a therapy group very draining (after a bereavement) as others' stories were also so sad and I came away feeling more hopeless than when I arrived! I'm sure you could get some counselling through your GP. Having said all that that I'm not a professional so do listen to others' views too. Wishing you strength and peace.
  9. Tried again today with rewritten text in case I had previously had a "forbidden word" All worked straight away just fine. Thank you so much for helping me, I really appreciate it.
  10. ....but it just wont upload. I've done this loads of times before and usually its super-easy. My pic is small (128 KB ) but I've also tried to upload it without just in case there's a prob with that. It lets me get to the preview but then goes no further. Tried over 2 days on 2 different computers, no joy. Other users seem to be uploading just fine so it must be something I'm doing...Any ideas? PS I wonder if this will upload...... edited to say...Hmm this uploaded just fine....confusing.
  11. Both of my 2 youngest children needed speech and language therapy, and by the time they were 2 a sort of knew they did. With the first I waited a while to see how things panned out incase I was wrong, but it would have been better for her if Id just got straight onto it. So with my youngest daughter I was much more proactive, via the health visitor who referred me to Townley Road for an assessment and for a hearing test. I would recommend you get onto it straight away as there is a long waiting list (sometimes months). Also the sessions are really fun, (my kids loved them) and communication is so important to them as they go forward into nursery and school and also with early writing and spelling. Best of luck with it all!
  12. A mini Petit filous style yoghurt was our friend for this.... pink flavoured and sweetish already so easy to disguise the meds in...and you and siblings can have one too to help the little one feel its safe... Good Luck!
  13. Ive had 1 'Normal' delivery and 4 C/section (2 emergency and 2 planned) 3 of which were at Kings. I too was keen to know which consultant was delivering my babies but to be honest on the day it was pretty irrelevant. You have much more contact with the anethsatist, midwives and nurses. The doctor is down the other end of the table behind the screen and pretty busy so in my experience I didn't feel I needed to know them in the way you do a midwife in a normal delivery. Re waiting, you may have a long wait, but your C section will be booked in weeks before you due date so you've got time on your side...and though on one of my planned C-sections I did have to wait a loooooooong time, it was nowhere near as long as my labour, and much more comfortable. Take a book and an partner/friend just in case. Best of luck, and congratulations.
  14. Marks and Spencer's....Its the only way. I forgot briefly so just had to throw a load of H and M ones away!
  15. Thanks Fuschia, Lots of great ideas in there, some of which we've investigated and some of which we hadn't thought of, so Ill get on to them straight away. The History website is a good resource for her too, really appreciated you having a think about it. Oimissus, It is surprising the teachers don't help...they must know the sorts of places that kids in previous years went to, certainly the public schools have on-going arrangements with companies for their kids to go to, but in the state system its each man for himself!
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